Tattoo Ticket: Folded Lepidoptera

Purchase a ticket to tattoo this design on your body!
A download link for the tattoo ticket PDF will be sent to the email address entered during checkout. This document will include reference images (in black and white as well as color) and the text below for your tattoo artist. You are also welcome to use other images of the same design as reference material, available on this website or on the artist’s Instagram page.
Purchase of this Tattoo Ticket grants permission to [ YOUR NAME HERE ] (henceforth “You”) to have the artwork “Folded Lepidoptera” by Lauren Nishizaki permanently tattooed on Your body. This permission is non-exclusive and non-transferrable. Lauren Nishizaki retains copyright over the original artwork.
A license is granted to Your chosen Tattoo Artist to use the artwork with or without modification in a tattoo design. The Tattoo Artist is allowed to tattoo this design only on You, and not on any other person. The Tattoo Artist may use images of the tattoo for promotional purposes, provided that they credit Lauren Nishizaki as the original artist (Instagram: @laurennishizaki).
I’d love to see pictures of the completed tattoo. If you share them publicly, please tag Lauren Nishizaki (Instagram: @laurennishizaki).
If you are interested in using other designs as tattoo art, please send an email to
This purchase is non-refundable.